Quick Start

Using plotly

If you don’t know how to use plot.ly you won’t get very far with sphinx_charts!

Check out plot.ly to figure out how to generate plots (or, if you’re working with C++ then check out cpplot).

Once you’ve got a couple of figures tried out and working, come on back!

Saving plots as JSON

Plots need to be saved to a JSON file, whose contents are compatible with plot.ly’s json chart schema.

This can get really complicated for different types of chart, but typically consists of a data field and a layout field:

test_chart = {
  "data": [
      "x": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
      "y": [1, 2, 4, 8, 81]
  "layout": {
    "margin": {
      "t": 15,
      "b": 30,
      "r": 15,
      "l": 35

All you need to do is save this to a json file. With python, this would look like:

import json

with open("test.json", "w+") as f:
    json.dump(f, test_chart)

Using the ‘chart’ directive

Make sure you’ve installed sphinx_charts.charts in your conf.py file (see Installation).

Add the test.json file you created above (in Saving plots as JSON) to your docs source directory. I like to put them into a charts subdirectory:


Include the following directive in your *.rst file:

.. chart:: charts/test.json

    This is the caption of the chart

And you should see something this, rendered in all its glory in your docs:


This is the caption of the chart